Strengthening Code Security: HTML CSS Obfuscate Code Project

Mohammad Sarhan
2 min readJan 27, 2024


Are you seeking ways to enhance the security of your HTML and CSS code? Look no further — the HTML CSS Obfuscate Code project is here to fortify your web projects. In this blog post, we’ll explore the functionalities of this robust command-line interface tool designed to obfuscate HTML and CSS files and discuss its implications for code security.

Project Overview

The HTML CSS Obfuscate Code project introduces a powerful tool that transcends traditional security measures. By generating hashed class names for CSS selectors and seamlessly updating corresponding HTML elements, this tool aims to safeguard your code’s original structure and class names from prying eyes.


Getting started is a breeze. Execute the following command in your terminal:

node obfuscate.js ./cssDIR ./htmlDIR

Replace ./cssDIR with the path to your CSS files and ./htmlDIR with the path to your HTML files.

CSS Obfuscation

The tool meticulously processes CSS files, identifying valid patterns and generating unique hashes for each class name. The resulting obfuscated CSS information is stored in a JSON file named CSS_HASH.json.

Obfuscated CSS files are saved in the same directory as the original CSS files, adopting the naming convention “FILENAME_hashed.css.”

HTML Obfuscation

Expanding its capabilities to HTML files, the tool updates elements with class or ID attributes matching the original class names from CSS_HASH.json. Obfuscated HTML files retain the original structure and content, with only the class and ID attributes being updated.

Node.js Libraries Used

fs: Provides functions for interacting with the file system, utilized for reading and writing files in the obfuscation process. |
path: Offers utilities for working with file and directory paths, resolving file paths, and handling path-related operations. |
jsdom: A pure JavaScript implementation of the W3C DOM and HTML standards, used for parsing and manipulating HTML documents in the obfuscation process.

Is it Security or Obfuscation?

It’s essential to clarify that while obfuscation can deter casual reverse engineering, it isn’t a comprehensive security solution. If your primary goal is robust security, consider implementing additional strategies such as encryption, access controls, and secure coding practices tailored to your specific project requirements and potential threats.


The HTML CSS Obfuscate Code project offers a convenient solution for making your web projects more resistant to reverse engineering attempts. By obfuscating HTML and CSS files, it adds an extra layer of complexity, making it harder for unauthorized parties to understand your code easily.

Remember, while obfuscation provides some level of protection, a holistic security approach is crucial for safeguarding your applications. For more details and to start using the HTML CSS Obfuscate Code project, check out the GitHub repository. Elevate your code security today! 🚀

